Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ten Unobvious Truths Concerning Liberty and Related Matters

1. Libertarianism does not imply the belief that monopolistic apparatuses of violence known as states are the only enemies of liberty.

2. Libertarianism does not imply the belief that the disappearance of monopolistic apparatuses of violence known as states will automatically result in the emergence of a free society.

3. The scale of statism does not directly imply the degree of its harmfulness.

4. Relative antipathy towards democracy does not imply relative sympathy towards monarchy.

5. Opposing the welfare state does not imply supporting restrictions on immigration.

6. Antipathy towards grumpy conservatism does not imply sympathy for goofy libertinism, nor vice versa.

7. Realizing that the US is rapidly wasting its heritage of liberty does not imply faith in the growing power of the so-called BRICS.

8. Recognizing the inherent harmfulness of corporate statism, central banking and fiat money does not imply the belief that financial markets are a casino or one big manipulation.

9. Realizing that fiat credit expansion necessarily triggers destructive business cycles does not imply the belief that gold in any form or precious metals in general are a smart investment for the recession period.

10. Realizing that one is fortunate to live in the best time so far in all of human history does not imply a belief in the Whig theory of history.


  1. Prawda zawarta w punkcie 6. jest absolutnie nie do pojęcia dla ludzi z którymi mam okazję dyskutować. Bipolarność poglądów wbitych do głów przez lata indoktrynacji jest nie do przejścia.
